A two part Epic Adventure spanning the globe!

From across the desert Southwest and down The Green River to reach her on the tropical beaches of Maui... Then rafting the Grand Canyon and climbing Kilimanjaro to finally find peace!

Book 1 of the Series The adventure begins!

When a coming-of-age Boston writer is stalked by the same Darkness that took his father, he hitches on a road trip across the West and down a whitewater river on a wild travel-adventure quest. Destination – a Hawaiian summer beach in Maui in search of the one perfect first love that can save him.

But first, he must find himself and where he belongs...

Book 2 of the Series Coming Soon!

   When a college-bound nature writer, Peter, moves to California to be with his seemingly perfect love, Misty, he struggles on the high-wire of summer beach romance above the impending Darkness to stay together in college and still live his epic dreams of adventure – river rafting the Grand Canyon and climbing Kilimanjaro.